Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm a Loser

I read an article by Arlee Bird last week how he wrote a blog post about losing his stapler as a way to fill in a blank page. I told him I would do the same.

Yes, I have lost my stapler, two as a matter of fact, but more importantly I lost a story I wrote. It was about a peeping tom. Yeah, I know, kind of ucky subject matter, but it was something I wanted to put here, in this blog post. I spent nearly 2 hours searching through all my files, recycle bin, even my inbox and I can't find the damned thing anywhere.

I hate when I lose things. Especially stories. I did this once before as well. Lost a chapter or two from one of my novels, handwritten, so I know it's in a pad somewhere, but do you think I could find it? Nooooooo. And I mean, there's only so many places it could be. But I looked and checked and double checked and nothing. Those lost chapters were part of the first climax of the novel and pretty good. I could probably figure out what I wrote, but that's not really the point is it.

The point is -- I'm a loser. Well, you know what I mean. I lose things. And when I do, I think I'm losing my sanity. I lost a credit card a few weeks ago. I remember it was in the bag with the receipt, I took it out of the bag and put it somewhere (I thought on the counter). But I have absolutely no idea where I put it. I've searched the house, car, trash, washing machine, back pockets, front pockets, old bags, under the fridge (in case it fell) cupboards, and I can't find it anywhere. I am resigned it will turn up as soon as the new card comes in.

As for the missing chapters -- I'll find those after I publish the book, I'm sure.

As for the missing short story -- I have no clue what I did with it. I know I wrote it on my computer so it's not on paper anywhere because I sent it to a friend of mine. I checked my emails' attachments, every single 242 of them. I did a thorough search on my computer. Nothing, nada, zip, nowhere to be found.

Anyway, IF I find it, I'll probably put it up here at some point. If I don't find it, well, I guess you won't read it now will you.

Tell me -- Are you a loser? Do you ever find what you're missing?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Move

As you know I've been moving. Well, I have moved, now I'm cleaning and painting, which leaves little time for writing.

One thing I've found through this adventure is all my old writing. Yes, all of it. Starting way back from 1975. Yes, I have been writing for that long. Not that it is any good mind you, but still, it counts toward my million words doesn't it.

When I lived at the beach I moved every six months so everything would have to be neatly tucked away into boxes and bins. Now, that I finally have a house that's big enough to accomodate my entire life, I've been rearranging said life into compartments. I never really knew how organized I actually am. I always thought I was in chaos, but come to find out I'm not.

I have all my high school stuff in one box, my college in another, my Nevada life, my contemporary romances, and then my historicals all neatly categorized in folders now, with little tabs, color coded and everything.

As I was sorting I read a few pages here and there. Not really good. I had no idea what I was doing back then. BUT I have to say, what I did like, and what I feel I am really good at is dialogue.

Yeah, I got a thing for verbal human interaction. So that was good to find out. I mean, I kind of knew it, but now I know it. You know.

Anyway, the old adage "practice makes perfect" is pretty spot on I think.

Tell me -- what are you good at?