Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Quick Book

I've decided to go ahead and put together a collection of short stories in one volume. I figure, why not.  I mean, I'm a writer, after all, why keep them on my hard drive.

So here it is. WHO ARE YOU? a collection of very short stories.
I added up the word count for the whole shebang and I think it's a little over 12,700 words. Like I said, VERY short short stories. (My Regency shorts aren't even that short.)

Here's the link.

So there it is. All the news I have this week.


J.B. Chicoine said...

Hey, that's so cool! I love your cover!

Davin Malasarn said...

I like the title too. :) I just bought it and read the first two stories. They snag me in, and I really like how you create a sense of place. I'm enjoying them!

Robynne Rand said...

Bridget -- Thanks. Did it myself. Didn't come out too badly. Could probably have added "something" more.

Davin -- Thanks so much. You've made my day! I'm glad you like them.